Política de privacidad
ANDRES STORE en cumplimiento de lo establecido en el Reglamento General de Protección de datos (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), informa a los usuarios de la página web https://andresstore.com/es/
Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de sus datos?
Los datos que nos faciliten el usuario a través de los formularios de esta página web se incorporarán a tratamientos cuyo responsable es ANDRES STORE con NIE: X8642194J y domicilio social en calle Camp de Morvedre, 3, Massamagrell, Valencia 46130.
Puede contactar llamando al 683 569 481 o a través del correo electrónico.
¿Con que finalidad recogemos sus datos?
En esta página web se recogen datos de carácter personal a través de diferentes formularios. Los datos solicitados en cada formulario son los necesarios para la finalidad por la cual se recogen. La finalidad de tratamiento son los siguientes:
- FORMULARIO DE CONTACTO: La finalidad de recogida de datos en este formulario es poder contestar las consultas planteadas y enviar al usuario la información solicitada a través del correo electrónico o teléfono indicados en el formulario.
- FORMULARIO HAZ UNA PREGUNTA: La finalidad de recogida de datos en este formulario es poder contestar las consultas planteadas sobre un producto y enviar al usuario información sobre el mismo a través del correo electrónico indicados en el formulario.
CORREO ELECTRONICO: Si el usuario se pone en contacto a través del correo electrónico publicado en esta página web, sus datos serán tratados para contestar las consultas planteadas y poderle enviar la información solicitada a través del correo electrónico a través del cual se recibe la consulta.
¿Cuánto guardamos sus datos?
Los datos facilitados por el usuario serán conservados hasta que el usuario no solicite su supresión.
¿Realizamos perfiles con sus datos?
Con los datos introducidos por el usuario no se tomarán decisiones automatizadas ni se realizarán perfiles.
¿Qué legitima el tratamiento de sus datos?
El tratamiento de datos está legitimado en el consentimiento prestado por el usuario al aceptar nuestra política de privacidad o al enviarnos un correo electrónico a través del correo publicado en la web.
El usuario deberá cumplimentar los campos marcados con * para poder enviar los formularios cumplimentados, si no se cumplimentan los campos indicados el usuario no podrá enviarlos.
¿A quién cedemos sus datos?
Sus datos no serán cedidos a terceros salvo que exista obligación legal
¿Qué terceros prestan servicios en esta web?
Para el desarrollo de esta página web se utilizan los siguientes proveedores de servicios:
Hosting: Los servidores donde está alojada nuestra página web están ubicados en la UE. Utiliza protocolo TLS 1.2 con lo que la comunicación de datos se hace a través de canal cifrado.
¿Qué derechos tiene y como ejercerlos?
El usuario tiene derecho a:
- acceder a sus datos personales,
- solicitar la rectificación de los datos personales que sean inexactos
- solicitar su supresión cuando, entre otros motivos, ya no sean necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos.
- solicitar la limitación de su tratamiento, en cuyo caso únicamente se conservarán para el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones.
- pedir la portabilidad de sus datos.
- Por motivos relacionados con su situación particular, podrá oponerse al tratamiento de los mismos y FERRETERIA HERMANOS TORRES SL dejará de tratarlos, salvo por motivos legítimos imperiosos, o el ejercicio o la defensa de posibles reclamaciones.
- El usuario podrá revocar los consentimientos prestados en cualquier momento
El usuario podrá ejercitar sus derechos a través de correo electrónico o correo postal Calle de la Serra Calderona, 16, Massamagrell, Valencia 46130.adjuntando fotocopia del DNI e indicando el derecho que ejercita.
El usuario también podrá presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
ANDRES STORE tiene implantadas todas las medidas de seguridad, a fin de garantizar la confidencialidad en el almacenamiento y tratamiento de los datos personales, así como evitar accesos por parte de terceros no autorizados.
¿Cómo funcionan nuestras redes sociales?
A través de nuestras redes sociales puedes compartir nuestros contenidos o dejarnos tus comentarios, fotos o vídeos, siempre que sean del interés para toda la comunidad.
Nuestras redes sociales están constantemente supervisadas con el fin de atender vuestras preguntas y comentarios en el menor tiempo posible.
Queremos que sea un espacio del que todos disfrutemos, por lo que es importante que entre todos respetemos unas normas de convivencia:
- Tú eres el responsable de los contenidos que publiques, no caigas en la violación de cualquier derecho, ley o reglamento.
- Cuida la redacción y el tono, evita publicar cualquier información abusiva, difamatoria u obscena.
- Respeta el derecho a la privacidad, no hagas comentarios ilícitos, ofensivos o discriminatorios sobre terceros.
- Evita comentarios fraudulentos, engañosos o que puedan inducir al error.
- No permitimos el spam, ni los mensajes comerciales o publicitarios, no queremos mensajes repetitivos.
- No mantendremos conversaciones con perfiles que podamos considerar como falsos.
Por favor, ten en cuenta que el contenido publicado por los seguidores en nuestras páginas no necesariamente refleja el punto de vista de nuestra empresa.
Si tus comentarios no cumplen las ‘Normas de la casa’, podrán ser eliminados, ocultados o bloqueados. Cualquiera que publique contenidos no permitidos será bloqueado de la comunidad.
Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar estas normas en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.
- Visit our website at https://andresstore.com, or any website of ours that links to this privacy notice
- Engage with us in other related ways, including any sales, marketing, or events
- names
- phone numbers
- email addresses
- mailing addresses
- usernames
- passwords
- contact preferences
- contact or authentication data
- billing addresses
- debit/credit card numbers
- biometric data
- data about a person's sex life or sexual orientation
- information revealing race or ethnic origin
- information revealing political opinions
- information revealing religious or philosophical beliefs
- credit worthiness data
- financial data
- Log and Usage Data. Log and usage data is service-related, diagnostic, usage, and performance information our servers automatically collect when you access or use our Services and which we record in log files. Depending on how you interact with us, this log data may include your IP address, device information, browser type, and settings and information about your activity in the Services (such as the date/time stamps associated with your usage, pages and files viewed, searches, and other actions you take such as which features you use), device event information (such as system activity, error reports (sometimes called 'crash dumps'), and hardware settings).
- Device Data. We collect device data such as information about your computer, phone, tablet, or other device you use to access the Services. Depending on the device used, this device data may include information such as your IP address (or proxy server), device and application identification numbers, location, browser type, hardware model, Internet service provider and/or mobile carrier, operating system, and system configuration information.
- Location Data. We collect location data such as information about your device's location, which can be either precise or imprecise. How much information we collect depends on the type and settings of the device you use to access the Services. For example, we may use GPS and other technologies to collect geolocation data that tells us your current location (based on your IP address). You can opt out of allowing us to collect this information either by refusing access to the information or by disabling your Location setting on your device. However, if you choose to opt out, you may not be able to use certain aspects of the Services.
- To facilitate account creation and authentication and otherwise manage user accounts. We may process your information so you can create and log in to your account, as well as keep your account in working order.
- To deliver and facilitate delivery of services to the user. We may process your information to provide you with the requested service.
- To respond to user inquiries/offer support to users. We may process your information to respond to your inquiries and solve any potential issues you might have with the requested service.
- To send administrative information to you. We may process your information to send you details about our products and services, changes to our terms and policies, and other similar information.
- To fulfil and manage your orders. We may process your information to fulfil and manage your orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made through the Services.
- To enable user-to-user communications. We may process your information if you choose to use any of our offerings that allow for communication with another user.
- To request feedback. We may process your information when necessary to request feedback and to contact you about your use of our Services.
- To send you marketing and promotional communications. We may process the personal information you send to us for our marketing purposes, if this is in accordance with your marketing preferences. You can opt out of our marketing emails at any time. For more information, see 'WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?' below.
- To deliver targeted advertising to you. We may process your information to develop and display personalised content and advertising tailored to your interests, location, and more.
- To protect our Services. We may process your information as part of our efforts to keep our Services safe and secure, including fraud monitoring and prevention.
- To identify usage trends. We may process information about how you use our Services to better understand how they are being used so we can improve them.
- To determine the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional campaigns. We may process your information to better understand how to provide marketing and promotional campaigns that are most relevant to you.
- To save or protect an individual's vital interest. We may process your information when necessary to save or protect an individual’s vital interest, such as to prevent harm.
- Consent. We may process your information if you have given us permission (i.e. consent) to use your personal information for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Learn more about withdrawing your consent.
- Performance of a Contract. We may process your personal information when we believe it is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, including providing our Services or at your request prior to entering into a contract with you.
- Legitimate Interests. We may process your information when we believe it is reasonably necessary to achieve our legitimate business interests and those interests do not outweigh your interests and fundamental rights and freedoms. For example, we may process your personal information for some of the purposes described in order to:
- Send users information about special offers and discounts on our products and services
- Develop and display personalised and relevant advertising content for our users
- Analyse how our Services are used so we can improve them to engage and retain users
- Support our marketing activities
- Diagnose problems and/or prevent fraudulent activities
- Understand how our users use our products and services so we can improve user experience
- Legal Obligations. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations, such as to cooperate with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, exercise or defend our legal rights, or disclose your information as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
- Vital Interests. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person.
- If collection is clearly in the interests of an individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way
- For investigations and fraud detection and prevention
- For business transactions provided certain conditions are met
- If it is contained in a witness statement and the collection is necessary to assess, process, or settle an insurance claim
- For identifying injured, ill, or deceased persons and communicating with next of kin
- If we have reasonable grounds to believe an individual has been, is, or may be victim of financial abuse
- If it is reasonable to expect collection and use with consent would compromise the availability or the accuracy of the information and the collection is reasonable for purposes related to investigating a breach of an agreement or a contravention of the laws of Canada or a province
- If disclosure is required to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order, or rules of the court relating to the production of records
- If it was produced by an individual in the course of their employment, business, or profession and the collection is consistent with the purposes for which the information was produced
- If the collection is solely for journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes
- If the information is publicly available and is specified by the regulations
- Advertising, Direct Marketing, and Lead Generation
- Allow Users to Connect to Their Third-Party Accounts
- Cloud Computing Services
- Content Optimisation
- Invoice and Billing
- Social Media Sharing and Advertising
- Web and Mobile Analytics
- Website Hosting
- Website Performance Monitoring
- Business Transfers. We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
- When we use Google Analytics. We may share your information with Google Analytics to track and analyse the use of the Services. The Google Analytics Advertising Features that we may use include: Google Analytics Demographics and Interests Reporting and Google Display Network Impressions Reporting. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across the Services, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. You can opt out of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Ads Settings and Ad Settings for mobile apps. Other opt out means include http://optout.networkadvertising.org/ and http://www.networkadvertising.org/mobile-choice. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms page.
- When we use Google Maps Platform APIs. We may share your information with certain Google Maps Platform APIs (e.g. Google Maps API, Places API). We use certain Google Maps Platform APIs to retrieve certain information when you make location-specific requests. This includes: __________; and other similar information. A full list of what we use information for can be found in this section and in the previous section titled 'HOW DO WE PROCESS YOUR INFORMATION?' We obtain and store on your device ('cache') your location for six (6) months. You may revoke your consent anytime by contacting us at the contact details provided at the end of this document. The Google Maps Platform APIs that we use store and access cookies and other information on your devices. If you are a user currently in the European Economic Area (EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) or the United Kingdom, please take a look at our Cookie Notice.
- Log in to your account settings and update your user account.